Rapid Intervention Team Hands on Training 20hr

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This comprehensive 20hr program will bring your organization into compliance with NFPA 1407. The basics of FF assessment, packaging and extrication during a RIT deployment are what make up the bulk of the program. The course breaks down into 8 specific skill sets, all recommended to be covered once a year by NFPA 1407.

-          Assessing & packaging

-          RIT Mask application to an unconscious FF

-          Lifting & Moving an unconscious FF

-          Unconventional movements Up or Down

-          Declaring a Mayday

-          Ropes

-          Search techniques for a downed FF

-          FF Self Rescue / Survival

The first day will begin in the classroom with a brief but important discussion of what we will cover outside. We will also review Mayday and LODD statistics to better understand how these skills will be applied. 

The class will then transition into the first 4 individual skill stations which students will rotate through. Day 2 will include the other 4 individual skill stations. Towards the end of the day students will be paired into groups and placed into a reality based R.I.T. scenario where they will put all their acquired knowledge together and perform under a real world level of stress.