October 24 & 25 at the Frederick County Fire Academy, Frederick, MD.
Registration Opening End of June
Course Details...
We are still working out the details but here's what we got so far...
2-12hr days of training::
Tickets will not exceed $550
2 meals included for each day
RPS-Nylon with carabiners & T-shirt included in registration cost!!
Access to over 10hrs of pre-course content (webinars both live & recorded)...
Will be required to attend a Zoom webinar (or watch the recording).
Registration will open in late June
HOT Skills included:
Day 1:
SCBA / Air emergencies and applying a FP to an unconscious FF
FF Assessment & Packaging
Advanced SCBA Confidence & Suppling Air to Down FF's
FF moves and drags (includes stair work)
Though the Floor Part 1: Attacking the fire through the whole
Day 2:
Advanced FF Moves; Upper Floor Removals
Through the Floor Part 2: Packing and Lifting
Negotiating Entanglements
The last 5.5hrs of Day 2 will be running 2 Reality Based RIT Scenarios (based off real world events).