Front Door Decision Making



FDDM examines the enemies we face on the fire-ground; Time, Fire and Building Construction. How do we combat these enemies? We control the things that are controllable; our time on task, knowledge of fire and knowledge of building construction. FDDM starts out by taking a look at how we as humans make decisions and how we can implement a decision making model which has helped the U.S. Marine Corps. employ maneuver warfare on the battle ground for decades.

Over the last several years, our tactics have been in a constant state of change. This essential change is an attempt to match the dynamic and volatile environment we respond to every day as firefighters. With the help of UL, NIST and other industry SME’s we now have the ability to take the guess work out of the equation and look at our modern day fire behavior in a more factual light.

These studies prove to be another tool for firefighters and fire officers to effectively and efficiently carry out our mission. An industry wide issue regarding these studies, is the overwhelming amount of data as well as the technical format in which they are written. At times, the most practical and useful material is simply glossed over or never read. In this class we will dive into a number of different studies and put the information into usable “street smart” tactics and strategies.